Weekly coverage of interesting articles, videos, libraries in Flutter. Every Sunday.
What to read
Dart sound null safety: technical preview 2
Null safety is getting excitingly close to having the gift wrap removed with this new technical preview.
Flutter Forms Validation — the Ultimate Guide
A great, thorough introduction to forms in Flutter.
How to build responsive layout in Flutter
A great article that explains how to build responsive Flutter applications while translating principles from a native perspective.
What to watch
Widget of the Week: SliverAppBar
The widget of the week is my personal favorite: SliverAppBar. That’s code for the widget that I need to google every time I use it.
Launching: Code with Andrea Live
Join one of Flutter’s greatest teachers on his new channel, where he will share livestreams and unscripted videos about Flutter app development!
Dart Developer Show: The Flutter Multi-Platform Ecosystem with Chris Sells
Chris Sells joins this podcast episode to discuss Flutter’s latest developments and its future.
Talking about Riverpod with Remi Rousselet
@remi_rousselet joins @CreativeEngShow to discuss the successor to Provider, Riverpod .
What to follow
The Flutter community already has some pretty awesome networking libraries between dio and http , but this one is interesting because it can extend dio with serialization, error handling, timeouts, and token refreshes.
Not a new library, testfairy had a major release this past week to adopt Dart 2.
A fresh take on app update checks that also includes a summary of the differences between its alternatives.